Monthly Archives: October 2018

High demand at the Student Health Centre

The Student Health Centre is experiencing unprecedented demand currently .We will always aim to see urgent cases but if your issue is routine you are likely to wait at least 10 days for an appointment .Pharmacies , and the NHS 111 advice line are alternative options to access health advice and treatment .

Meningitis ACWY Vaccination for all under 25 year olds – book with nurse team

Meningitis is a dangerous infection that can lead to septicaemia and in some cases  be fatal .It can spread easily in a University setting so students are particularly at risk . A free vaccination is available on the NHS to protect against four strains of meningitis and we encourage all students to make sure they have received this important vaccination .

Please book a nurse appointment for the Meningitis ACWY Vaccination .

For more information about the vaccination and symptoms and signs of meningitis see the NHS website